The Canvas Customer Painting

In today fast pace of driving sales and ensuring that as a salesman you reach your targets within your budget a few pointers come to mind when the initial approach is merely as easy as painting a picture.

Being Prepared for the first approach is almost as important as showing up for the canvas call. “Never come empty handed and revert to always leaving a company memory,” is what everyone will tell you how ever this is what I call working towards the future of the sale and does not necessary create the initial bond that you as a salesperson would like to embrace. You as a salesperson should be obligated to identify your needs prior to the first approach. Your needs are as important and will assist you to identify the markers that you will need to guide yourself through the proses of the first introduction. Prior to approaching a canvas customer, one must try to determine the value of the canvas call and to what advantage this will give to you as a salesperson. This will in exchange allow you guidance and to what extend you need to keep pushing. Research will be the ultimate factor when doing your canvas call. Knowing WHO your customer is and WHAT it is that they do will be of great advantage to you as a sales person and this should also put your customer at ease not creating the notion of incompetency.

What to say when doing a canvas call is an important factor for you as a sales professional to learn if you want to have more success.

Happy painting…


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In today fast pace of driving sales and ensuring that as a salesman you reach your targets within your budget a few pointers come to mind when the initial approach is merely as easy as painting a picture.

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   by Brian J. Harris from USA   2024-01-03 23:01:32 / Reply

It sounds like you've highlighted some crucial aspects of successful sales approaches, especially the importance of preparation and understanding your customer. Indeed, the initial approach sets the tone for the entire sales journey. I completely agree that being well-prepared, understanding your needs as a salesperson, and researching your potential customer beforehand are key elements that pave the way for a successful canvas call.

Your emphasis on creating an initial bond beyond just leaving a memory is insightful. Building rapport and understanding the customer's needs right from the start is fundamental to a fruitful sales relationship. It's not just about the pitch; it's about connecting and providing value.

The analogy of the canvas call as a painting is brilliant—it's about crafting an engaging, personalized approach that resonates with the customer's needs and preferences. Your reminder about the importance of knowing who your customer is and what they do showcases a proactive approach that can foster trust and competence.

I couldn't agree more that knowing what to say during a canvas call is vital. It's about conveying value, addressing needs, and establishing a meaningful dialogue. Thanks for sharing these valuable insights into the art of successful sales!